I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say on this topic. I've been a bit skeptical of the utility of the applications I've seen so far, but at the same time I sense that there is the promise in these technologies - if properly and creatively applied - to enhance rather than annihilate our humanity. I've also had the intuition that one unexpected consequence may end up being a reengagement of humanity with the embodied world - not something I've written about yet, but it's been percolating at the back of my mind.

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Oh and, your instinct for the blog's name is a good one, 'Authentic Intelligence' seems to relate to the nature of the project more directly, and is also a clever play on the acronym.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aleksandar Svetski

Very interesting direction and an angle I'm looking forward to hearing more about.

I put off opening this email because I'm already sick of AI bandwagoning but you've got something quite engaging ahead of us to dig into. "Linguistic user interface" is a fantastic way of looking at it.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aleksandar Svetski

Augmented Intellect (or intelligence, but intellect seems fitting, and mephistopheles is rejoicing right now)

Courtesy of AI (ChatGPT) by the way and my favorite suggestion ;)

Other suggestions:

Accelerated Intuition

Ascending intellect

Amplified Intelligence

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aleksandar Svetski

Other names suggestion:

New horizon

Intelligent horizons

Intelligence horizon

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💬 If we can get out of our own way

The Spartan if 😏


💬 Tools and technology create opportunities for new kinds of pursuits, and ideally, more free time

↑↑ Much in alignment with centuries-old vision ↓↓ 😊

🗨 I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain. ~~John Adams, in a letter to wife

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